Sunday 7 September 2008

Women With Hormone Disorder May Benefit From Acupuncture

�Getting pregnant with her first child was difficult, but when Rebecca Killmeyer of Charlottesville, Va. experient a stillbirth during her second gestation, she wasn't sure if she would ever have another baby. When she decided to enter a study testing the impingement of stylostixis on women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) at the University of Virginia Health System, she came out with a miracle.

"To our great surprise we were blessed with a third maternity during the PCOS study," said Killmeyer. "I'm absolutely certain the acupuncture treatments helped me ovulate regularly, which allowed me to become pregnant."

Lisa Pastore, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UVA Health System and principle researcher of the study, was hoping for results like this. Her goal has been to help women with PCOS have unconstipated menstrual cycles. PCOS causes a hormonal imbalance, meddlesome with ovulation and finally, fertility. With several women in the study reportage pregnancies, Pastore believes that acupuncture could be an important substitute, non-drug therapy for women with this disorder.

"Over the last year we have seen women who ne'er had a regular menstrual cycle begin having regular periods. We can besides boast several pregnancies since the work began," aforesaid Pastore. "Now we would like to recruit more people to the study in decree to discharge the study. It is important for research to have enough participants to ensure that the results are scientifically credible and not due to chance."

Scared and doubting was how Killmeyer described her initial feelings towards the experimental treatment, simply soon her worries gave way to relaxation.

"When I saw those tiny slight needles approach at me I thought to myself, 'I didn't sign up for this!' merely I tried and true it and after a few minutes I was asleep on the table," Killmeyer aforesaid. "The sessions were totally refreshing after awhile."

Killmeyer learned of her PCOS in 2005. Over the past five old age she did not have regular, monthly periods. One month after she started acupuncture treatments she got a period and for the next three months, they continued.

"I had finished all my acupuncture treatments and was in the end stages of the study when I became pregnant," Killmeyer said. "We had already scheduled our follow-up appt with our fertility doctors when we found out we were pregnant."

Five percentage of reproductive age women are affected by PCOS. Symptoms of PCOS can buoy include small cysts on their ovaries, infrequent or irregular vaginal bleeding, male-pattern hair growth, and acne. Insulin resistivity and pre-diabetes also can develop.

While there are many traditional drugs and therapies that handle this syndrome, this research is assessing whether stylostixis can be successful in regulating hormones and hardening the symptoms of PCOS.

Source: Abena Foreman-Trice

University of Virginia Health System

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